An Initial Analysis of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the NYS Workforce Sector

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The information collected will be used solely for NYATEP internal purposes to understand the demographic makeup of our members, partners, and event participants to support our statewide equity initiatives for the workforce development sector.
Ensuring We All Move Forward Together
Throughout the past year, NYATEP has been working alongside an Advisory Committee made up of Executive Workforce Leaders of Color across New York State to understand how to elevate Leaders of Color and address the inequities that the workforce system internally perpetuates. Through these discussions we learned that no detailed baseline data currently exists that demonstrates what Diversity, Equity & Inclusion efforts are underway within the workforce development sector.
Thanks to the generous support of the Workforce Development Institute and the strategic partnership with Tangible Development, NYATEP developed the Statewide Workforce Equity Analysis Tool (SWEAT) scan to quantify our efforts and the gaps that exist.
The goal of the SWEAT scan is to develop a baseline of data for New York State that will identify the:
Number of Leaders of Color throughout the statewide workforce development system
Racial, ethnic, and gender identities of local Workforce Development Boards, Community Based Organizations and other service providers.
The number of individuals who have engaged in leadership training and the types of training they have received and have access to
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion practices that have been put into place

The SWEAT Scan Team

Since its inception, NYATEP has worked to increase access and equity within the labor market by supporting the organizations that equip New York’s most vulnerable populations with the skills needed to obtain quality employment; to directly support providers on the ground, working to keep up with the daily demands of the rapidly changing labor market; and to fight for policies and funding streams that create pathways for economic mobility for all New Yorkers.

The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) is a statewide non-profit that works to grow and keep good jobs in NYS. They facilitate projects that build workforce skills and strengthen employers’ ability to hire, promote, and retain workers. Their work often fills gaps not covered by other organizations and is accomplished through partnerships and collaborations with businesses, unions, other non-profits, educational institutions, and government.