Become a Member
NYATEP is a 501c3, membership based organization. Your membership dollars support our mission to provide leadership, vision and advocacy for a thriving workforce development network across New York State.
Scroll down to choose a membership level that best suits your needs!
Attention members and prospective members, download the chart below for a side-by-side comparisons of our member benefit packages!
Benefit Comparison ChartWhat our members are saying...

FAQs Regarding Membership
Will my membership auto renew?
How do I change our billing contact information?
How do I upgrade my membership?
How do I pay a past-due invoice?
We just renewed our membership or became new membersā€¦now what?
We didnā€™t budget for this? What happens if we canā€™t upgrade until our next fiscal year?
Will we still get discounted registration fees to conferences and events?
When will we start getting billed for at this new flat rate?
What happens if we choose not to renew?
Need to pay a past-due invoice?
Settle your outstanding debt or make a donation to NYATEP here.
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